Thursday, April 17, 2008

The realities and cruelities of life is that I am free to read, think, and blog, because I have only 2 (very easy) exams in 3 weeks time. (i.e. a very long time away) And my ISM is done.

What would happen if that were not the case? I shudder to see myself as a mindless peon, milling around aimlessly, trying to meet this expectation and that deadline, but never seeing and questioning the point of it, never living life.

I absolutely detest the expectations of our society. They drain the life out of our very souls.

Does society liberate us, or does it imprision us?

There must be alternative ways to live this life.


Anonymous said...

Dear supper/talk cock buddy,

At last!Someone thinks like me. Haha. The question I always had: When does society become oppressive to the individual's freedom? At that point, has society "failed"?

Yes,there are always alternatives, like what Prof Chua said earlier this week: "Life can always be the 'other', if we have the guts to live it out."

May we have the courage to live out the life that may not conform to what mainstream society wants.


allen said...

i think that life is fair. in exchange for having a relatively care-free reading week and few exams, the trade off is greater workloads during the sem itself, especially in terms of man-hours (e.g. UBZ3001).

anyway, looking forward to watching We will rock you! I've got 2 papers only too!