Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On introversion

It just occurs to me that the way to peace and comfort - the way to fill the gaps in our hearts – would be to look inside, not outside. For me, an extrovert through and through, it is indeed a tall order.

But rather than looking at the outside world and trying to glean satisfaction and acceptance from it, one should be comfortable with oneself first. It’s indeed true that no man is an island, but everyone should be comfortable with himself to a certain level, and not seek to fill every second of his waking time with something new, or with someone to accompany.

Having confidence in myself, knowing that I can always withdraw if things turn bad… ain’t that a good thing? The temptation to call someone out, male or female, for a chat is always so tempting, but I should learn to be alone, to meditate, to pray, to examine.

Always needing someone to fill up my time - my theory is that it makes us less needy lovers or friends, and less likely to die if something goes wrong.... much as we would love for our lover or friend to NEVER let us down and break our hearts, we know that that is close to impossible. Rely on yourself and rely on God before you rely on someone else.

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