Tuesday, September 4, 2007

for some weird reason...

... there seems to be so much more life in UNC, than in NUS (ok, sorry for comparing, but it's second nature to most humans)

like, so many more things happening, so much more history and tradition, so many more stories, so much school spirit. Actually there's no lack of these things in NUS too, just that in NUS you don't really feel part of the school, but in UNC you really feel like you're in it, like a true blue Tar Heel. Things like the Daily Tar Heel, the Bell Tower, the football and basketball games, the fact that the entire bloody town revolves around the school, all drum it in. And funny traditions like taking the Daily Tar Heel into the toilet cubicle to read while doing your business, and leaving it in the cubicle for the next fella. And the fact that people wear the Carolina shirt with pride!

I think the fact that everyone basically stays at, or around campus, really helps. And the fact that people do seem to do less stupid stuff (i.e. study) and play so damned hard.

Actually NUS is already not that bad. We got fun stuff happening most of the time. Just that everybody studies too hard, and many are not open enough to try new things, and to have fun. The things that destroy life are work and routine, and a lack of passion for life. I mean, stability is great, it makes us feel safe, but we gotta step out of the comfort zone sometimes man. Life is a siesta, live it.

I mean, if you like knowledge, well and good. But life is too bloody short to study just so you get a good grade and so would get a good job and a nice house yaddle yaddle. I don't know. I probably belong to a group of people known as the "hedonists". Live drink and be merry for tomorrow you die. Study if you like it, not cos you have to. I mean, as an economist, the goal of all things is utility/happiness maximisation, right?

I think a truly great university would be one where everyone would be less preoccupied with their own lives, and leave their comfort zones, and come out and play and engage in campus activities. And where people do things cos they like it, not for points. I hope UNC is such a place.

Go Tar Heels! haha I am becoming one of a mindless mob, but it's so fun!

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