Thursday, September 6, 2007

the bible says that homosexuality causes brain damage...

... so says "jessie", another hell-fire and brimstone preacher i encountered at the Pit today.

Jessie the preacher!

The notion, of course, drew loud guffaws from the crowd, which included the self-termed "gays and lesbians" section, pictured below. I mean, I understand that you believe that gays are going to hell, and you were sent by God to save their souls, but scolding and condemning and preaching hell-fire doesn't seem terribly loving to me.

the gay section!

UNC's an enclave of liberalism, homosexuality and tolerance located in the nortoriously conservative and right-wing "Bible Belt". I'm so thankful for the fact that I'm in a predominantly agnostic and atheist university, safe from the Southern Baptist influences that surround Chapel Hill. At least the music on offer is more than just... country music and country music. The (mainly agnostic) American friends that I've made speak intelligently on multiple topics, and seem very well rounded individuals.

They see the beauty in religion, all religion, and all philosophies. And, to be frank, to claim that one religion is supreme over all others - that seems extremely bigotted. And we Christians have to see that, all the stuff preached to us from pulpits and in Sunday School - it's propoganda, probably comparable to the propoganda preached to the Germans in NAZI Germany. Well-meaning, definitely. Aimed at the salvation of our souls, and those around us, definitely. But it's propoganda, and every word, every doctrine should be examined.

When you take off the glasses of faith the world is a very different place.

Then you have a weirdo like me who believes that evolution could have happened, that homosexual acts are probably ok, that the Bible could contain error in parts. But that God is somehow divine and in control of everything.

Somehow I'm starting to wonder if my faith still makes sense. Ah well... after all is said and done, I'll probably put my glasses of faith on again. Christianity is too comforting to let go, the balm for wounded hearts, the promise to eternal salvation, the most beautiful loe story ever. And I'm pretty sure that this Jesus guy lived and died and resurrected.

But I guess, I'm probably not one to force my beliefs on others, because I see the validity and beauty of their beliefs too.

Many Christians don't question their beliefs. I used to never question anything that was said in church. I thought that if I had doubt, I'd be in danger of hellfire. Thus, I was willing to sacrifice intellectual integrity for my eternal salvation, and this, of course, is totally rational. Conservative, Bible bashing Christians are just being well-meaning and rational in their own way.

So, basically, whether you're liberal or conservative, you're good, and I respect you!

I was discussing religion with Seth, on the 4 hour drive to Elizabeth City last weekend. We went to Mike's house for the weekend, and on Saturday we went to Kitty Hawk for the beach. The beach was fine, and somewhere in between we visited the supposed hill where the Wright Brothers supposedly flew their plane. So many "supposed"s. The group was very big, but all great people.

the beach!

the girls at the Hill of First Flight!

the guys at the Hill of First Flight!

The waves at the beach were great, you could get literally bowled and washed over by them! A very painful but exciting process.

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