Store giving out tracts - Times Square Subway Station
Mama Mia, here I go again, Mama, how could I resist you?
The cast of Mama Mia! The middle girl with the blonde hair, she's great. Probably somehow related to ABBA or something :)
Back at Bowery’s Whitehouse Hotel after Broadway, I ran into a couple of Korean-American girls who were chatting with Eisen. They told me about American life, and life in California, where they came from. We exchanged numbers so we could contact them when we do travel to the West Coast.
I think i do like backpacking, it's fun in a dangerous way. I have the freedom to do anything I want, and go anywhere I want to go, and talk to anyone I want, without having to care about tour groups and rubbish like that. I can create my own experience, and I love this freedom.
It's dangerous, it's adventurous, but I guess as a young man these things appeal strongly to me.
People. Ah, I ran into two interesting individuals on Thursday. First was this old Caucasian lady, standing outside Starbucks, holding a sign saying “Boycott Starbucks. They do illegal and immoral things.” Eisen asked if she could be photographed, but she refused. Refused to give a name, refused to let us photograph her. Said you don’t know what people could do with a name or a photograph.
She did agree, however, to talk to us. She’d been a New Yorker for over 40 years, and was supposedly doing some fund-raising for charity on the sidewalk outside Starbucks when the manager basically took her stuff and junked it, claiming that the sidewalk was Starbucks’. Now the lady conceeded that Starbucks pays rent for half the sidewalk, but she was raising funds on the other side, closer to the road, that was public property. And then she went on and on about how the Black female manager of the Starhub joint was uneducated about NY laws, and how she’ll raise a lawsuit against Starbucks, and how NY was becoming unbearable to live in because the “Blacks were taking over the whole place, even the Chief of Police is black”, and how they were cocky and stupid and brainless. And the Hispanics were useless too, and they and the Blacks were just thinking about sex all the time, wolf-whistling at any person in a skirt, even at an old grandma like her. Ah, but the whites were ok, NY was a better place when the whites were running it. (Of course she’d say that, she was a White!!) And the Orientals like me and Eisen were ok too cos we were hardworking and intelligent. Wow I was so flattered to get her approval of my ethnic background.
Talk about racial stereotypes man. But everyone is entitled to his own opinion.
Hey, I’m hardworking and intelligent cos I’m Oriental. Beat that.
So this lady wanted to move to Carolina, where the Blacks were less cocky. Still as stupid, she said, but less cocky and thus more tolerable. She wanted to move away from NY, where she’d lived in a rented apartment for the longest time. Apparently if you’ve lived in a rented apartment for a long time the government would give you rent protection, and you paid cheap rent man. No wonder she didn’t want to buy property and invest in it: her rent was dirt cheap. (I’m talking so much about rent cos of Rent, the DVD I watched before coming over here about renting apartments in NY) But again I digress.
Towards the end of the conversation Eisen asked if it was illegal to demonstrate like she was demonstrating, waving a placard in front of a business. Her response? “Of course, we have rights in this country”.
Me and Eisen, born and bred Singaporeans, just rolled our eyes.
Protest Outside Starbucks!
The second guy, I talked to for almost 2 hours outside Times Square Church. His name was David Wolfe, and he was a pastor at a nearby church. Times Square Church is gargantuan, mega, probably City-Harvest-Sized, and “interdenominational”. I love churches that are “interdenominational” and “ecumenical”: why look at differences when there are so many similarities? But I digress.
Me and David, we just talked about Christianity. At first we talked about the Charismatic movement (he believes in signs and wonders, but believes that more importantly we need to focus on Bible teaching and moral living, and having love in our lives. He said that many people nowadays live terrible lives, but just seek to demonstrate, or chase after, the “powers of the Holy Spirit”. Thus as a preacher he doesn’t like to talk about spiritual gifts, but rather preach more on Biblical exposition. Talk about being reactionary.) Then I told him about my two major problems and doubts about the Christian faith: the vast dis-unity of Christianity in today’s world (despite Jesus praying for Church unity in the High Priestly Prayer), and the blatant denial of evolution (evolution, to me, is supported by the vast body of scientific data) by the Bible.
David opines that all the differing denominations have much in common, so there exists a spiritual unity. Regarding cults, he just opined that anyone who does not believe in the Bible, and draw the majority of his religious beliefs from the Bible, is following a Christian cult. He called the Roman Catholics the “biggest cult in the world”.
Of course, I disagree. We should know that even the doctrine of Sola Scriptura, dependency on only scripture for matters of faith, was a man-made doctrine, created by the Reformers. And Catholics. For the longest time in history they were the only Christians on earth. Don’t tell me that our God, who’s alive and who works through history, would allow a cultic church, and only a cultic church, to represent Him on earth. So, since they were a cult, all Christians/Catholics died and went to burn in eternal hell during those years? Would God allow that?
Later David told me about the doctrines of Transubstantiation (the bread and wine turning into the literal blood of Christ during the Holy Eucharist), and about how the original Greek version of the scripture Matthew 16:18 (“and I tell you that you are Peter, and on this Rock I shall build by Church, and the gates of Hades shall not overcome it”) actually refers to Jesus as the rock, thus disproving claims to the Papacy and Papal infallibility. He convinced me somewhat, thus making me doubt some aspects of Catholic belief. But to call them a cult? I’m sure some aspects of Evangelical belief need to be tweaked as well.
And on evolution he was, of course (like most Christian pastors), of the opinion that everything was spontaneously created. He doesn’t know much science, and credit to him, he admitted it, and told me to research more on my own.
Now, this David guy can talk on-and-on. He engaged me (i.e. he talked to me) for around two hours. This man has the gift of preaching.
David agreed to take a picture with me :)
Pastor David!
The previous day, day three (Wednesday 8 Aug) was marked by a subway failure in the morning. The early morning had seen heavy, torrential rain, and the subway tracks became flooded. Freak. So eisen and me took the M1 bus to the Empire State, and freak it (both the bus and the Empire State) was so so crowded.
Today, Ground Zero is of course a massive construction site.
Brooklyn Bridge. Lucky me caught a chiobu in the foreground. Your guess on whether it was intentional :P
Anyway yep this' day 1-2 of Jon's NY adventure. Will try to include more pics, and to post on day 3 onwards soon.
Take care, everyone who happens to read this. You're probably a friend of mine, so you must take care. (Ok, what's the logic in this? whatever. never mind. just take care.)