Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mein Kamf

The story of my recent life.

From Skepticism to Liberalism.

It started with "can we really be sure that what we are taught in Church is true?" - after all, these are only the ideas of the Protestant Fathers - Luther, Calvin, Wesley - and how they intepreted the Christian faith. Protestant Christianity is choke-full of influences from all over, but it claims to be pure -direct from God, direct from the Bible (as if the Bible fell down directly from God onto our laps). The way we understand faith is the way Luther and Calvin intepreted it for us - full-stop. The Catholics, using the same Bible, come up with a totally different theology.

So, it progressed to Skepticism. Who's to say that we are right and they are wrong? There is a truth, but who holds it?

Then, there was a tenuous link to Liberalism. Thus, all who believe in Jesus - Catholics, Protestants, Orthordox Christians - are going to heaven. Because, who's to say whose theology is right and whose is wrong? Everyone's theology is equally right to themselves, and equally wrong to others.

Thus, a fair thinker will think: Either everyone is right, or everyone is wrong. Since I am optimistic, I choose to believe that everyone is right.

See you all in heaven, brothers.

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