Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - the Conservative response to Wikipedia, and a big biased joke.

I think Singaporean Conservatives are probably still intelligent, but American Conservatives mostly deserve to be put in an asylum. They claim to be Christian, but advocate War in Iraq and lax gun laws (allowing people to be murdered in cold blood). Sometimes they espouse hatred against Palestine and Muslims. They worship Capitalism as a god, and call the Democrats "the party with no principles". They support the murder of innocent Arabs and Muslims, but cry foul when babies are killed in abortions (the irony). Probably because the life of an American Christian child is worth 1000 times more than the life of an Arab Muslim.

The Democrates have firm beliefs too, but they appear infinitely more intelligent and informed about the world. American Republicans and Conservatives sometimes seem to live in the bottom of wells. And they hold strong convictions that that is where they should be.

It's scary that America has so many stupid people. And it's sad that many of these people are Christians. Conservative Christians.

No wonder I am a liberal. Or rather, no wonder I hold views that society would define as liberal. I hold my views because I believe in them, not because some liberal or conservative told me that I must hold these views. I support the right of gays to marry, but view abortion as a sin. It's a henious crime - murder, no less. It's just that people around me call my views "extremely liberal". They could call my views "cow-like", "of the form of a fish", or "Nigerian", for all I care.

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