Monday, October 8, 2007

i am so convinced that the humourless singaporean government would probably ban sex if we didn't need the babies.

i predict that in 15 years the government would make in-vitro fertilisation compulsory for all couples, then ban sex.

damn it'll be better if the government taxed sex. you gotta pay money for the right to shag. then you hang a sign at your door "sex under consent of the government". if you can't afford it, too bad. test-tube babies for you, kiddo. you don't get to shag.

damn i am such a genius i should be employed as a government planner. PAP, i am your new hero! fun, humour, entertainment and common sense are destructive to society! employ me and together we shall eliminate vices such as these. and of course, the twin evils, that are too vile to even mention.

free speech and democracy.

damn, the mention of these words sends shivers down my spine. i deserve damnation and eternity in hell for even thinking of the twin evils! we must serve only our God! the one and only true God!

Economic progress. Wealth. Money.

yep, that's our God, by three names. He is a triune God. and our holy prophets, to lead us in the way of our God must be revered too. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Goh. Bow to our holy prophets and our one true triune God!


my rant's partially due to the eye-opening experience i'm having in the United States.

they actually have guaranteed rights under the constitution! they actually have free speech!when a civillian is stopped by the police he has to right to remain silent and not show an identity and not agree to a search!

Singapore cannot learn from them. Free speech, common sense, and civil liberties will lead to the collapse of society.

Political dissent! That is the devil! His angels are the WP, SDP and SDA! The Devil and his angels must be sent to hell (Changi Prison), where they belong!

We must continue to obey and worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Goh. Blessed be their names forever and ever.Amen.


to be frank most people get by without running into too much trouble with the government. sometimes we even forget that the government exists.

but if you show discontent or rebelliousness, beware cos the government will get your ass.

a vengeful creature, the PAP is.

just look at the colourful record of opposition MPs in exile, bankrupt or in jail.

that's why everybody keeps their golden mouths shut.

free speech is killed in the culture of obedience.

you better don't speak up if you want to retain your jobs, your life, your sanity.

when we can have so much economic prosperity, what is fairness, free speech and democracy? just toe the line, my friends. 人民安居乐业, could we ask for more from our benevolent loving government?

continue worshipping the Holy Trinity my friends, all will be fine.

(end of satire) to be frank, the biggest lie that Singaporeans believe in is that the God they worship (money) will bring them happiness. The happiest people in the world are in Vanuatu, which incidentally happens to be one of the poorest countries in the world. Singapore is pathetically low in the happiness ranking, on all indicators. Go figure. Money is absolutely impotent when it comes to the cause of improving the happiness of its owners.

Bet you din't know that Singapore ranked so low on the happiness rankings, right? No wonder. The media is not known for reporting lists that we rank lowly in. But every year we are the best airport/seaport/landport/red light district in the entire world. And the media makes bloody sure that you are totally aware of that fact.


Anonymous said...

Hey bro, excellent post regarding your thoughts on the gahmen!I like!


allen said...

hmm. then what alternative do you consider better for singapore? from what you've seen in the US, do you think the US form of democracy is any less money-driven (and money-controlled) than ours?

Anonymous said...

In terms of money driven and money controlled I don't really know, maybe because we have rather developed capitalistic economies, so I guess the main aim of capitalism is to accumulate more and more $$, economic growth etc, the same old stuff.

I don't know if we can consider ourselves as really democratic, since the gahmen doesn't allow any form of political dissention/competition which would threaten them and if so, they will be crushed like ants on the floor.Look at people like Dr Chee and those who oppose/don't agree with the government.

The gahmen wants to maintain their virtually unrivalled hegemony since the day we broke off from Malaysia on 9th August 1965, to 'protect' the interests of its citizens because they know what's the best for us.Shouldn't the people be able to decide what's best for themselves? Maybe we're still a young nation so we can't decide ourselves.

I don't know about any alternatives but I just wanna share what I feel.


allen said...

Not to start an argument but yes I agree that the way Singapore's government handles civil society leaves much to be desired.

However, the fact remains that in spite of this (or because of this?), Singapore's government is as efficient (if not more so) and economically-centered as the US, except for the fact that we don't anyhow invade other countries :P

If you're in the US, do take the opportunity to read more about Singapore (college libraries surprisingly have quite a few books by Singaporean politicians, opposition and PAP alike). They will give you a better perspective as to WHY our gahmen is the way it is.

Anonymous said...

Haha ok. Thanks allen.How do you know Jon? I'm his NUS friend by the way.


allen said...

um. we were classmates in secondary school, schoolmates in JC and NUS.

jonkwok said...

wah in library can read opposition books? cool. wonder if they are censored in singapore.

i think that the nation is materialistic, and has sold its soul to money. american politics is as bad and as money minded. many american people are, too. however civic society is developed enough for people to pursue other interests other than money. in singapore i feel that the life aspirations that most people aim towards are limited to: getting rich, and getting rich. america is more diverse, and better in that sense.

jonkwok said...

and yes the USA is damn inefficient. there is a lot of bullshit that goes on because of "free speech" and all.. it's almost a culture. a lot of workers are slack cos they have unions to protect them... in singapore u no choice but to work hard.

just that i feel like a horse in singapore, driven to work and got no say whatsoever.

allen said...

And that, dear friend, is why we are all thinking of fleeing the island :)

jonkwok said...

but Singapore has some good points, like the food. i plan to stay, and try to live an independent life, a life independent from the influences of the gahmen. i hope i succeed.

like, perhaps, i can join the opposition party?