Thursday, October 4, 2007

One more hour! :(

ok there's something wrong with the time that you see. it's actually 6.19 pm now.

one more hour before the sun sets.

i should shower man.

Actually Ramadan is a super good idea man, for people to fast, and reflect, and contemplate, and get back to God. it's a month of purity, of spiritual reflection, of holiness, of abstinence.

we Christians should copy this idea.


Anonymous said...

I'm homesick. And I haven't left home. I'm going to weep buckets, or just hide in some corner and stare into space.

This is so random, but I was just talking to my mum, who went for her 30+ yo cousin's wedding yesterday, and I told her I wanted 2 children, and my sister told me to marry someone rich, else my children will end up like my sister and I, poor. My mum asked me to marry someone who does multi-level marketing (like she does). And I kinda hinted I didn't want to secure a divorce before even married, in a gentle and subtle way, which I think she didn't get.
I now know I must avoid the topic of marriage and children in front of them till they are "of age".

Why am I even telling you this here? Or why am I even telling you this? I'm just going bonkers because I'm just so homesick. At home. Feedforward mechanism. How can you take it? How am I going to tolerate one year? Does this mean I can never be a full-time missionary? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. The jitters, the jitters.

Anonymous said...

baby. don't marry and stay at home the rest of your life with your parents :)

to prevent homesickness